While writing a blog post on that poisoned chalice of a topic – HIV and nutrition, I came across a post by Graham Poulter, asking whether the stock market is not just a ponzi scheme. Ah, the joys of the hyperlink. The HIV nutrition topic is one of those that may never get finished, so… Continue reading Is the stock market a ponzi scheme?
Motivating ourselves, success and doing.
So many of us don’t do all the things we feel we should. Dreams deferred, out of control todo lists, promises to learn this, do that, frustration at our inactivity, looked back upon years later with a sense of regret and wasted opportunity. The being/doing balance is a tough one for us as humans to… Continue reading Motivating ourselves, success and doing.
The state of Wikimedia projects in South African and Africa – Dec 2008
I took a look at the South African language Wikimedia projects again today, to see whether there’s been much progress since May. Wikipedia – number of articles Language 1/10/2007 10/11/2007 9/12/2007 1/5/2008 16/12/2008 Afrikaans 8374 8608 8731 9679 11 285 Zulu 107 109 121 141 182 Tsonga 10 16 37 71 150 Swati 56 66… Continue reading The state of Wikimedia projects in South African and Africa – Dec 2008
An attractive honeypot
I came across a website recently that, lurking amongst the usual About Us and Contact Details had an Anti-spam link. I followed the link, and came to this page. It’s a company selling an anti-spam product, and the page was a spam honeypot (or spamtrap). Spam honeypots are web pages with email addresses that then… Continue reading An attractive honeypot
Elements of Health – raw bliss
This weekend I attended Elements of Health, a 2-day Raw Food Course. Urban Sprout‘s turbosprout also recently attended the course, and you can read their review here. Facilitated by Peter and Beryn, two experienced raw food vegan chefs, the course was lots of fun. Peter has a similar presentation style to David Wolfe, ie great… Continue reading Elements of Health – raw bliss
Mindfulness lessons from a five-year-old
Having a child is a great lesson in mindfulness, and living in the moment. Dorje’s mind: Brrummmm, here comes the aeroplane, yeeeoooowwwww, crash, into the mountain. Jump, the plane’s on fire!!! Don’t worry, here comes the fire engine, bee baw, bee baw… My mind: Brrummmm, here comes the aeroplan… damn, he’s putting his feet on… Continue reading Mindfulness lessons from a five-year-old
Adgator, and a fairer world
I couldn’t help but notice the launch of Adgator today. Firstly I got an email inviting me to join, which I presume went out to all or most blogs signed up on Afrigator. And, secondly, over at muti, four of the top five posts were about Adgator’s launch. After all, a new ad network is… Continue reading Adgator, and a fairer world
A little too Intrepid for me
I recently upgraded, for want of a better word, my Lenovo Y510, running Ubuntu Hardy to Intrepid, and, as you’ll see later, also Kubuntu Intrepid 8.10. I’ve been running Ubuntu since around Feisty. I switched from Kubuntu, which I was running before that, around that time as I realised that Kubuntu was lagging far behind… Continue reading A little too Intrepid for me
Obama or McCain, a Mandela moment?
Having sworn off news in a recent post, I’ve fallen off the wagon in a big way. I blame the American election. The ultimate stagecrafted reality show, I’ve been completely enthralled. The New York Times and Fox News, reddit and dailykos, huffingtonpost and drudgereport, karl rove and the Guardian, the Times of India, Voices without… Continue reading Obama or McCain, a Mandela moment?
Standard Bank – not inspired, motivated and whatever the other one was
It’s been over a year since my last post about a bank’s systems, and perhaps I’d naively thought I couldn’t get surprised any more. I’ve had the dubious pleasure of using almost all the online banking systems in South Africa. I’ve mentioned before how, First National Bank, in their upgrade, introduced a rather obvious regression… Continue reading Standard Bank – not inspired, motivated and whatever the other one was