Perl turned 10 on the 17th of October. I’ve still got a fondness for the language even though I haven’t programmed in it for years. An internet course I developed around 1998 had Perl as the core, and I had great fun teaching it to people who’d either never programmed, or had limited programming experience. Quite scary how little I knew at the time, but they say the best way to learn is to teach, and I’m glad to say some of them are now much closer to Perl-guruhood than me. One particular student used to mail me often with Perl problems. At first I could help him with a quick glance at the code. But sure enough to me his queries soon came to resemble an unreadable mystery, and he was on his own.
Freshmeat has an article discussing Perl 6, written by Shlomi Fish. I tend agree with the consensus amongst the responses though, especially that of Schwern.