Tectonic magazine

My copy of Tectonic magazine arrived in the post today. Neil described it as a thing of beauty, and I was pleasantly surprised too (perhaps that shows our predisposition for Ubuntu, from which the cover art is taken?)

Many of the articles are taken from the website, and so are old news, but there’s something good about seeing them in print. It was also good to see two presumably paying adverts, one for Go Open Source, and the other for Obsidian. My article seemed to turn out OK, although the editors use of the gendered pronoun ‘he’, as opposed to my gender neutral pronoun ‘they’ meant the article misrepresents the person I refer to who didn’t know that MySQL had transactions 🙂 Also, I’m not the lead developer for IOL, and haven’t been for quite a while (I know it’s been a while since I submitted the article but not that long!) But those trivialities aside, it’s great to see the magazine finally in print – great job Alastair and Jason. What with Biophile and Tectonic in print, I finally have two local paper magazines covering two of my passions.