Don’t do it

There’s a very simple principle I follow. Don’t do it. No, I’m not talking about Nancy Reagan’s ‘just say no to drugs’. It’s about not doing what you don’t want to do. Life is exciting! I have skills and interests that are crying out to be utilised and expanded. Spending time on things that don’t… Continue reading Don’t do it

African countries

One of those compulsive and not particularly useful things I’ve wanted to do for a while was brush up on my knowledge of African geography. The intricacies of just which little strip in west Africa is named Benin, and which Togo and the like has eluded me. Until now. I came across a silly, but… Continue reading African countries

Hoo Boy

For those who’ve noticed the 2 days of server downtime, I’m back… Don’t ask…

Vodacom: Telkom or Vodafone?

Every now and again I am reminded that Telkom actually own 50% of Vodacom. I recently changed address, reported it on the site. At the same time I changed banks. However, my invoices were still being sent to the old address. So, I received notification that my account was in arrears. Fair enough, I… Continue reading Vodacom: Telkom or Vodafone?

Crime story 2

Regular readers may be wondering if they missed Crime Story 1. Well, no. And the title could more aptly have been Crime Story 9234, but seeing as I can’t really confirm 9234 incidencts of crime in my life (let’s see, four stolen cars, two encounters with armed assailants at home. House breakins, hmm, tough to… Continue reading Crime story 2

Help on help.

There’s a certain skill to asking for help. I’m not very good at it. I tend to dislike asking for help, and the reliance on someone else it seems to indicate. Sometimes I manage to figure out the issue myself, and feel slightly more warm and fuzzy than I would have had someone else fed… Continue reading Help on help.

Green sex toys

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, and you can safely buy gifts without blatantly buying into the whole marketing machine, I thought I’d point out some environment-friendly sex toys. Thanks to Micatyro of the M&G blogspot for the link.


What is ignorance? According to most people, it’s when others don’t agree with them. The vast majority of online discourse is along the lines of: Make proposition. Disparagingly label those who disagree. Affirmative Action is positive for the country. Don’t agree? Racist! George Bush is a saint. Don’t agree? Liberal pinko terrorist supporter troop-killer! Cellphones… Continue reading Ignorance