Manifestation of our humanity

It’s been wonderful to see the reaction of many to the recent attacks. In my local community, the nearby Observatory Methodist church quickly swelled from supporting 80 people, to supporting 300 people. Many of the first batch were Somalian, who later moved to a mosque in Salt River. The next batch of people were mostly… Continue reading Manifestation of our humanity

The decolonization of cyberspace – on film?

Does anyone have any suggestions for locations for shooting a documentary on the following themes: the “decolonization of cyberspace” African language Wikipedias, online/wikipedia activism I haven’t been able to come up with anything particularly exciting, and the shooting, by a Dutch company, is in 2 weeks!

Frugal Fennel at Sloppy Sams

Frugal Fennel at Sloppy Sams, the latest of the bi-monthly Geek Dinners, was fun. The venue worked well, and the upstairs tables added a theatrical element. The food was pretty bad value, no, strike that, abysmal value for money though. R130 and the ‘main course’ veggie option consisted of a few baked potatos and… wait,… Continue reading Frugal Fennel at Sloppy Sams

The nuclear tooth fairy

I came across a Cape Times today, with a flurry of letters in support of nuclear power. I fired off a quick letter in response, but here is a slightly expanded version, as the constraints of the letters page aren’t the best place to discuss this properly. Besides all of its other problems, nuclear power… Continue reading The nuclear tooth fairy

Beware Facebook!

A recurring theme in the news recently has been dire warnings from those in the recruitment industry warning of the consequences of posting too much personal information on social networking sites such as Facebook. Ina van der Merwe, chief executive officer of South Africa’s largest background screening company, Kroll, from an article in today’s IOL… Continue reading Beware Facebook!